曲靖师范学院学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 77-86.

• 文艺学·网络文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国社会科学院 民族文学研究所, 北京 100005
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-30 出版日期:2024-09-26 发布日期:2024-11-20
  • 作者简介:杨新宇,中国社会科学院民族文学研究所博士后,主要从事文艺理论与媒介研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Contemporary Inheritance of Classical Popular literature by Online Fantasy Literature——Starting from the series of works by Maoni

YANG Xinyu   

  1. Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100005, China
  • Received:2024-08-30 Published:2024-09-26 Online:2024-11-20

摘要: 猫腻的系列玄幻小说在激烈的网文竞争中脱颖而出,与其对传统“俗文学”的当代传承密不可分。他始终将受众的需求置于首位,通过对各类爽点萌点的精心提炼与高频使用、天马行空的玄奇内容安排、对经典武侠故事的巧妙借鉴以及对具体行文的适时调整以最大程度地书写大众读者所“喜闻乐道”的故事内容;通过超长篇的文本设置与频繁的更文速度、高密而曲折的情节安排、可圈可点的人物塑造以及极富网络时代特色的语言特质践行“辞浅会俗”的审美追求;通过对人世质朴真情的描绘以及对自身独特情感体悟的抒发展现“言为心声”的情感底色;通过“导愚适俗”的价值旨归满足着读者更高层次的价值需求,带给读者以世俗文化可接受范围内的理想主义的精神召唤,从而成功实现了作品商业性与文学性的兼顾。猫腻的系列玄幻作品于网际的一鸣惊人是传统“俗文学”在当代文化价值的直观印证。

关键词: 网络玄幻小说, 猫腻, 传统“俗文学”, 当代传承

Abstract: The reason why Mao Nuo's series of fantasy novels can stand out in the fierce online literature market is closely related to his contemporary inheritance of Classical Popular literature.He always puts the needs of readers first.He not only carefully extracts and frequently uses various exciting points, arranges imaginative and mysterious content, cleverly draws on classic martial arts stories, and timely adjusts the plot and character arrangement to write the story content that the general readers enjoy.He practices the aesthetic pursuit of “shallow language suitable for common people” through the setting of lengthy texts, frequent updates, dense and intricate plot arrangements, remarkable character shaping, and language characteristics that are highly characteristic of the internet era and entertaining.He showcases the emotional foundation of “words are the voice of the heart” through his depiction of the simple and genuine emotions of the world and his expression of his unique emotional understanding.He also satisfies readers' higher-level value needs through the value of “guiding the ignorant to adapt to the common”, bringing readers the spiritual call of idealism within the acceptable range of secular culture, thus successfully balancing the commercial and literary aspects of the work.The series of fantasy works by Mao Ni have made a stunning impact on the internet, which can be regarded as a direct confirmation of the contemporary cultural value of Classical popular literature.

Key words: Online fantasy Novels, Mao Ni, Classical popular literature, Contemporary Inheritance
