曲靖师范学院学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 82-87.

• 省域副中心城市建设研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李丹1, 朱沿锦2   

  1. 1.曲靖师范学院 发展规划与学科建设中心,云南 曲靖 655011;
    2.沾益区财政局,云南 沾益 655331
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-04 出版日期:2024-03-26 发布日期:2024-05-16
  • 作者简介:李丹,曲靖师范学院发展规划与学科建设中心教师,主要从事高等教育管理研究。

Establishment of Qujing Normal University from the Perspective of Provincial Sub-central City

LI Dan1, ZHU Yanjin2   

  1. 1. Center for Development Planning and Discipline Construction,Qujing Normal University, Qujing Yunnan 655011;
    2. Bureau of Finance of Zhanyi District, Zhanyi Yunnan 655331, China
  • Received:2023-08-04 Published:2024-03-26 Online:2024-05-16

摘要: 云南省委省政府关于《支持曲靖市建设云南副中心城市若干意见》明确指出“支持曲靖师范学院创建硕士授权高校,建设曲靖师范大学”。创建曲靖师范大学是建设省域副中心城市的客观要求,也是曲靖师范学院高质量发展的必由之路;依托曲靖师范学院创建师范大学,既有着百年师范教育经验、优越区位条件、雄厚办学实力等有利条件,也存在部分条件未达标、服务地方经济社会能力不强等不利因素。为此,要在遵循高等院校发展规律的基础上,分别从省域副中心城市和学校两个维度探索创建曲靖师范大学的科学路径。

关键词: 省域副中心城市, 师范大学, 条件建设, 创建路径

Abstract: clearly states The policy “supporting Qujing Normal College to be a master's degree-authorized university and building Qujing Normal University” is stated in the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Government's document Supporting the Construction of Qujing City as a Sub-central City in Yunnan. Building Qujing Normal University is an objective requirement for the construction of the provincial sub-center city, and a necessary way for the high-quality development of Qujing Normal College. Building a teacher based on the current Qujing Normal College have favorable conditions like a hundred years of teacher training experience, superior location conditions, and strong school running strength. Some conditions, however, are not up to the standard, and there are disadvantages like the lack of local economic and social service capacity. Building Qujing Normal University should follow the law of development of higher education institutions, and the law of development of institutions of higher education.The scientific path of building Qujing Normal University can be studied from the dimensions of provincial sub-center city and school respectively.

Key words: provincial sub-central city, normal university, condition construction, building path
