曲靖师范学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 62-68.

• 文艺学·红色经典研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 曲靖师范学院 人文学院,云南 曲靖655011
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-04 出版日期:2021-07-26 发布日期:2021-10-27
  • 作者简介:刘建国,曲靖师范学院人文学院副教授,主要从事文艺学研究。

The Literary Mission of The History of Entrepreneurship from the Epic Perspective

Liu Jianguo   

  1. School of Humanities, Qujing Normal Universirty, Qujing Yunnan 655011, China
  • Received:2021-06-04 Published:2021-07-26 Online:2021-10-27

摘要: 柳青的《创业史》展现了对巨大的社会历史以及现实生活的概括力。在中国农业社会主义改造进程的年代里能够集中地将笔触置于那个时候的历史风貌与农民思想情感的转变之上,与此同时,更具有意义的是,作者把农业合作化运动,放在中国的历史长河中去思考,进而写出历史演进的必然趋势,无疑是一部具有史诗性的作品。另外,作品自觉的承担了对土地变革的思考、集体主义的张扬以及英雄主义的颂歌的文学使命。

关键词: 现当代文学, 柳青, 《创业史》, 史诗性, 文学使命

Abstract: TheHistory of Entrepreneurship by LiuQing unfolds the great panorama of the social history and the real life. In the process of the transformation of Chinese agricultural socialism, we can focus on the historical style and the transformation of farmers' thoughts and emotions at that time. Meanwhile, what is more significant is that the author considers the agricultural cooperative movement in the long history of China, and then writes the inevitable trend of historical evolution, which is undoubtedly an epic work.Moreover, the work consciously assumes the literary mission to praise the heroism, publicize the collectivism and reflect on the agrarian revolution.

Key words: modern and contemporary literature, LuiQing, TheHistory of Entrepreneurship, epic, iterary mission
