曲靖师范学院学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 58-62.

• 古生物化石研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


王建华1, 赵应天1, 颜岳辉2, 聂磊1   

  1. 1.曲靖师范学院 生物资源与食品工程学院,云南 曲靖 655011;
    2.云南大学 古生物研究院,云南 昆明 650500
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-07 出版日期:2024-12-17 发布日期:2024-12-17
  • 作者简介:王建华,生物资源与食品工程学院副教授,主要从事与古脊椎动物学相关的地层学和古生态学研究.
  • 基金资助:

Overview of the Lower Devonian Fish-bearing Strata in Qujing,Eastern Yunnan

WANG Jianhua1, ZHAO Yingtian1, YAN Yuehui2, NIE Lei1   

  1. 1. School of Biological Resource and Food Engineering, Qujing Normal University, Qujing Yunnan 655011;
    2. Institute of Paleontology, Yunnan University, Kunming Yunnan 650500, China
  • Received:2024-03-07 Published:2024-12-17 Online:2024-12-17

摘要: 滇东曲靖地区下泥盆统发育完整且出露良好,产有世界闻名的“西屯动物群”等古鱼类化石. 从地层单位名称沿革、典型地层剖面、岩石组合特征、典型古生物类群等方面概述和梳理了曲靖地区下泥盆统下西山村组、西屯组、桂家屯组和徐家冲组四个含鱼地层的基本特征,并初步讨论了曲靖下泥盆统的沉积环境,为曲靖地区古鱼类相关研究提供基础地质支撑.

关键词: 曲靖, 下泥盆统, 地层特征, 沉积环境

Abstract: Qujing is located in the southwestern China, where the Lower Devonian rocks are well developed and exposed, and the world famous “Xitun Fauna” fish fossils are produced. In this paper, the basic characteristics of the Lower Devonian strata of Xiaxishancun Formation, Xitun Formation, Guijiatun Formation and Xujiachong Formation in Qujing are summarized from three aspects: the evolution of stratigraphic units, typical stratigraphic profiles, and rock association characteristics. Besides, the sedimentary paleoenvironments of Lower Devonian in Qujing are also discussed to provide basic geological support for the study of fish fossils in Qujing.

Key words: Qujing, Lower Devonian, stratigraphic characteristics, depositional environment
